Thursday 15 August 2013

Justin Timberlake's 20/20 -- 2 Of 2 Track List Revealed!

Press releases really aren't Justin Timberlake's thing. He announced his triumphant return to music via an over-the-top video, premiered his clip on a TV special hosted by Ryan Seacrest and teased "Take Back The Night"with another video, this one shot partially in black and white.

So, when it came time to reveal the track list for The 20/20 Experience — 2 of 2, well, he wasn't about to break from tradition. So rather than simply writing down the names of his new songs in an email and pressing "send," he decided to spread it out over a few hours.

Starting in the afternoon and continuing into the night, JT rolled out 11 black-and-white Instagram videos for each of the tracks, revealing them one by one in a perforated-page notebook. See the entire track list below:

»Gimme What I Don't Know (I Want)

»True Blood



»Take Back The Night


»Drink You Away

»You Got In On


»Only When I Walk Away

»Not A Bad Thing

via MTV News


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