Last week, rumors hit the Internet that Adam Driver will be playing the character of Nightwing (also known as Dick Grayson who, at one time, was Robin) in the upcoming sequel to this year's blockbuster "Man of Steel," "Batman vs. Superman." As it turns out, Driver will not be playing Nightwing, at least according to Driver himself. On Sunday, we spoke to Driver, who is currently promoting the Coen brothers' new film "Inside Llewyn Davis" (the full interview will publish closer to the film's release), and he expanded on these rumors and the reaction of the Internet to the thought of Driver as a superhero.

Last week I remember hearing "Did you hear that rumor about Adam Driver on the Internet?" and I got worried for a minute. But it turned out to be a good rumor.

[Laughs] What did you think it was?

I just hoped it wasn't something bad or some TMZ type thing. Anyway, I wish the Nightwing rumor was true.

Oh, no, it isn't.

Well, I still wish it was true.

[Laughs] Well, thanks. No, not as far as I know.

How does that get started? There's no truth at all to it?

No, there's no truth to it. I don't know whoever put it on there. I don't know how these things get [started] -- I don't know how it first came about.

Did you read any of the Internet posts? People seemed into the idea...

[Laughs] Oh, cool! Cool, cool.

So if you ever want to be in a superhero idea, people seem to like the idea.

Yeah, and there are probably just as many, "Fuck!" What the Hell?"

Mike Ryan is senior writer for Huffington Post Entertainment. You can contact him directly on Twitter.