Friday 21 March 2014

'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Exclusive: Welcome To Oscorp

Peter Parker had his hands full in "The Amazing Spider-Man," slinging webs against the scales of Curt "The Lizard" Connors. And that was just one man — now imagine Spidey swinging against an entire evil empire, and you'll start to have a picture of what "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" is all about.

Now, exclusively on MTV, you can find out even more about the upcoming movie, as we launch "MTV's Secrets Revealed: The Amazing Spider-Man 2" with an in depth look at the big bad company at the heart of the "Amazing Spider-Man" universe: Oscorp.

The nefarious corporation is at the heart of Sony and director Marc Webb's current series of "Spider-Man" films, so be sure to watch series stars Andrew Garfield, Jamie Foxx and director Webb talk about the evil entity; and then read on for a breakdown of what it all means.

Hell on Earth

What is Oscorp? It's a corporation owned by scientist Norman Osborn, a man best-known in the "Spider-Man" comics as the villainous Green Goblin. Oscorp deals in genetic engineering and unethical research that yields monstrous creations like, say, the Lizard, and even breeds unwitting heroes, such as Spider-Man.

But the even simpler answer, to hear Andrew Garfield tell it: "Oscorp is like Hell. It's the big, corporate overlord that's ruining our world."

Sick, Stormin' Norman

Everything that's happening at Oscorp revolves around a single purpose: Keeping Norman Osborn alive. As teased in the first "Amazing Spider-Man" film, the Oscorp founder, played by Chris Cooper, is dying of a mysterious illness. All of the company's research and experimentation exists to keep Norman alive.

"Everything about Oscorp has been built to extend his life, one way or another," teases Webb, "whether it was literally through the science they were creating, or through wildly unethical research."

Heir Today, Goblin Tomorrow

With Norman on the way out, his son Harry is on the way in to inheriting Oscorp and all of the shadiness it has to offer. Dane DeHaan of "Chronicle" fame plays Harry, and Webb teases that the young man has some serious issues of his own to address.

"Harry is very intelligent," says Webb, "but he's forced to confront certain issues about himself — biological issues — that will pose very serious problems for himself, Spider-Man and Peter."

Along Came the Spider

It would seem like a no-brainer for Peter Parker to want to shut Oscorp down. But as with all things in his world, Peter's relationship with the company is a complicated one — thanks to his old friendship with Harry, the incoming Oscorp overlord.

"They were very close when they were younger; they haven't seen each other in about eight years," says Webb, who promises a reunion for Peter and Harry. "They were both abandoned by their fathers and families in very real ways. They're bound by that."

See Sparks Fly

As if it wasn't bad enough to see Peter and Harry at odds, there's another nemesis in play: Max Dillon, the Oscorp scientist who becomes the charged-up Electro.

"Max is just the electrical guy," says Jamie Foxx of his character. "But Oscorp has these things that are cooking, so when he accidentally falls into this big pool of electric eels, because of the genetic splicing that's going on at Oscorp, boom: Electro is born."

The Story Continues

Oscorp was important, if not entirely essential, in "The Amazing Spider-Man." The company's role grows even larger in the upcoming sequel. But don't expect full resolution. To hear Webb tell it, Oscorp is so massive that the true extent of its power could continue playing out into future films.

"Part of the fun of this universe is we're trying to build up something larger," he says. "There are moments that will pay off, maybe not in this film, but in films to come."

"MTV's Secrets Revealed: The Amazing Spider-Man 2" will continue in the coming weeks featuring interviews with more of the stars, exclusive art, behind the scenes footage and massive reveals about the upcoming movie — and beyond.

Keep tuned to MTV News, as we'll be launching the following episodes soon:

Episode 2: Spider-Man's Powers

Episode 3: Electro

Episode 4: The Sinister Six

Episode 5: Peter And Gwen: The Promise

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2" hits theaters on May 2.

via MTV News


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