Karma‘s already gone to great lengths to try and land the heart (and then some) of Hester High School’s hottest guy, but has she finally taken things too far?
On tonight’s “Faking It” episode, Liam, who stunned Karma last week by shunning her sexual advances, realized there was a reason he’d withdrawn: He didn’t want to mess up Karma and Amy‘s relationship. It was the first time Liam had practiced restraint with someone he wanted to sleep with, and he was shocked by his own self-control.
One person who wasn’t too appreciative of Liam’s prudence, though, was Karma, who’d convinced herself he just didn’t see her as smushable. She was relieved when he explained himself, but disappointed that his revelation meant they couldn’t get together — at least as long as she and Amy kept up their charade. But when it seemed as if all hope was lost, Karma boldly proposed a solution: a threesome. And suddenly, it looked like Liam was willing to reconsider a roll in the hay (or art room).
There’s a fabric store’s worth of red flags here. Amy might have feelings for Karma, but they’re not reciprocated, and — straight or gay — sex always complicates ish between friends. Still, Amy knows how much Karma has been pining after Liam, and a threesome might finally make something real happen. So, is an Amarmiam romp out of the question? Sound off!
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