Monday, 19 May 2014

Katy Perry Brings Out Her Big Balloons For The Billboard Music Awards

We’re already aware that Katy Perry is capable of walking on air, but now, thanks to her 2014 Billboard Music Awards performance of “Birthday,” we know that she can fly, too. As long as she’s got a dozen or so balloons and mad wires handy.

Filmed at Katy’s Prismatic World Tour stop in Newcastle, England, on May 10, the set’s highlight was definitely when the green-haired singer, clad in an eye-popping body suit, grabbed onto some colorful balloons and appeared to take flight over the Metro Radio Arena.

OK, OK, and that part where Katy pulled an audience member onstage (“I’m looking for one special birthday person!”) and serenaded her on top of a giant cake was pretty cute, too. But, like, Katy Perry. Flying. With balloons. Mary Poppins-style. That obviously wins.

You know how Katy sings “So let me get you in your birthday suit/ It’s time to bring out the big balloons” in “Birthday”? Here I was, thinking it was some kind of sexual double entendre, but no! Girlfriend just really likes balloons.

Katy Perry was nominated for a total of 10 Billboard Music Awards, and she even took home the title of Top Female Artist. She and her balloons are, presumably, very happy about the win.

via News


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