Friday, 23 May 2014

Witness in Salman Khan trial claims actor 'was not drunk'

A witness has claimed that Salman Khan was not drunk on the night of a hit and run incident.

63-year-old Francis Fernandez is the seventh witness in the trial and stated in court that he lives near the location of the accident.

Salman Khan

According to , Fernandez said the actor was "walking normally and did not smell of alcohol".

Recounting the sequence of events, Fernandez claimed he was asleep in his home when he was disturbed by the noise of the accident and subsequent shouting from the street.

"I rushed to the American bakery and saw Salman surrounded by a mob holding rods and stones. Salman recognised me and said, 'Commander save me'," he explained.

Fernandez claims he led the actor away from the scene, after which his wife stopped a passing car and Khan left in the vehicle.

Salman Khan leaves Session court, after the re-trial of a 2002 hit-and-run case will be heard on May 6, 2014 in Mumbai, India.

© Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Salman Khan leaves Session court on May 6

The testimony counters allegations made on May 6 by a prosecution witness, who alleged that the actor was so drunk that he fell down after getting out of his car.

A waiter at a nearby five-star hotel also testified that he served the 47-year-old actor and his group of friends in the bar, but could not confirm whether Khan had been drinking.

The actor is on trial facing charges of culpable homicide, after it was alleged that he was driving a vehicle while inebriated and fled the scene of the incident on September 28, 2002.

Khan has pleaded not guilty to the charge, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years in jail.

The trial continues.

via All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News


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