Tuesday 15 July 2014

This 3-Year-Old Girl Was Thought to Be Dead Until She Woke Up at Her Own Funeral—Watch Now!


Um, what?! is a perfectly valid response to this story.

According to local reports, a family in the Philippines was mourning the death of a 3-year-old girl when they were hit with the ultimate surprise—she was actually still alive! The toddler, whose identity has not been released to protect the family, was clinically pronounced dead over the weekend but woke up on Sunday during her funeral service in a church in Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur, police said.

Aurora police chief Heidil Teelan said the little girl experienced a severe fever for days and was brought to the clinic in the town for medical attention on Friday.

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"During that time, the attending clinic personnel and physician confirmed that the young patient had no more pulse and was clinically dead last Saturday morning about 9 a.m.," Teelan said.

However, during the service the following day, mourners saw her head move.

"This prompted them to check and confirmed the girl had a pulse and was alive," Teelan said. A viral video shows the parents of the girl removing her from her wooden coffin while family and friends appeared to be in the state of shock (understandably so!).

Teelan added that the parents of the girl immediately gave her water and took her to the clinic for a check-up. "We really cannot make confirmation on the status of the girl, but based on the observation of the police personnel I deployed, it appeared the girl remained in a state of comatose in their house," Teelan said.

The girl and her family are reportedly back at home now.

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via E! Online (US) - Top Stories


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