Saturday, 27 September 2014

This Video Nails The State Of The Music Industry With Help From Chance The Rapper

Wilco has been a powerful force in the indie rock world for about twenty years now, so who better to spoof the current state of the music industry than frontman Jeff Tweedy?

For his latest project, Jeff has been working with his teenage son Spencer under the moniker Tweedy, and the latest track “Low Key” from their collaborative album “Sukierae” pokes fun at the way that musicians are no longer paid for what they create.

Jeff and Spencer are shown going door-to-door, encountering celebrity guests from Conan O’Brien to Chance the Rapper on the way and encountering plenty of rejection as they nearly everything they can think of to convince people to buy their music.

Their form of transportation seems promising:

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But Conan just isn’t into buying the album:

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…And neither is their fellow Chicagoan Chance the Rapper:

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Even these cute cats don’t help:

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It’s all very Wes Anderson in the best deadpan, quirky way and despite all the rejection the song is actually good! Wilco fans and newcomers will both enjoy the commentary. Watch it in full below:

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


via News


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