Sunday, 8 March 2015

The Voice UK: Why Jake Shakeshaft almost threw up on stage

The Voice UK star Jake Shakeshaft has admitted that he almost threw up on stage after his battle with Stephen Cornwell.

Shakeshaft triumphed over Cornwell in this weekend's episode after the duo's performance of 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall', but their coach was shown struggling to decide between the pair.

Stephen Cornwell, Marvin Humes, Jake Shakeshaft on The Voice UK

"Will did this whole thing where he said he was going to flip a coin and I almost threw up," Shakeshaft told Digital Spy. "And then he put it down to the audience and got them to cheer.

"The studio was in uproar for Stephen and I thought, 'Right, that's pretty much put the nail in my coffin!' I turned to Stephen at the time and nodded to him and went, 'Well done, mate'. When they said my name, the place went absolutely crazy – it was like, 'Wow!' Throughout all that – the shouting and stuff – I was really nervous and then Will said my name and I just couldn't believe it."

Shakeshaft - who admitted that it felt "pretty grim" when Will suggested tossing a coin to decide the battle - admitted that he "wasn't very confident at all" about his prospects.

Jake Shakeshaft, Stephen Cornwell on The Voice UK

"Straight away I was really, really nervous about battling Stephen – just look at the guy!" he joked. "6'4", absolutely tanked, looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model… Here's me, proper skinny, 5'10" – this isn't going to work out for me. And the minute we started working together, we got on really well. He was great to work with and I think both of our voices complemented each other really well.

"In terms of the performance, I'd hate to try and pick between us because we didn't go and try and outdo each other. I kind of had a feeling they wouldn't be able to choose between us and the aspect of the vocals and the performance, so I was like, 'Right, they're probably going to put it down to marketability and looks and stuff'. So I wasn't very confident up against Stephen!"

Shakeshaft also joked about Rita Ora calling the pair "sexy fellas", revealing: "It was quite funny because my girlfriend was sitting just behind her! Watching her face, she was all happy and smiley – and don't get me wrong, she was still happy and smiley and just having a joke, but she always does this thing whenever someone calls me attractive or something like that – which isn't very often, I'd like to point out – she'll just do this thing where her face will just drop and she'll be like, 'You!' That's exactly what happened with Rita Ora. Tamara's on the case!"

Stephen Cornwell, Marvin Humes, Jake Shakeshaft on The Voice UK

Shakeshaft - who admitted that he was embarrassed about blowing kisses to the audience members who had cheered for him - also dismissed's suggestion that he is too "nice".

"I've always been massively competitive no matter what it's in," he said. "I hate losing – I can't lose. I hate it. I've been into football and sports throughout my entire life. I was raised to be a football fan and that kind of thing, so from day one I've hated losing. And that sticks with me no matter what I do. Me and my best friend sit down to play FIFA and if he wins I go through the roof!

"Don't get me wrong, I try to be as nice as I can to everybody. You could probably say that Will would get the impression I was too nice because whenever he saw me, I wasn't vicious and spitting in Stephen's face! It didn't help with the whole nice guy thing the fact that he put me up against someone who I was friends with. We both had respect for each other and we both liked each other. We were just going to do whatever we did best and let Will choose between us. If I'd have lost and gone home I would have been absolutely gutted, but I had every intention to go in there and win it."

Jake Shakeshaft on The Voice UK

Shakeshaft also joked about his passionate entrance into the battle arena, joking: "I'm not sure if I remember rightly because it was a bit of a blur, but when I came out originally when they shouted my name, apparently I looked like a tad like a football hooligan – going absolutely crazy! Hopefully the girls who've started following me on Twitter won't be like, 'Yeah, he's a tad violent for me…'"

Shakeshaft explained that it has been "absolutely incredible" working with Will, saying: "What I like about him the most is that he's honest. He doesn't sit there and sugar coat something for you. If you ask his opinion or what he thinks you could do differently or something like that, straight away he'll tell you. He won't hold back, which is good. But he doesn't just shoot out with something that's brutal and shoots you down – he tells you what you need to hear in the way you want to hear it. I appreciate that the most."

But he admitted that he felt a lot of pressure going into the knockouts, which he described as "really, really nerve-wracking".

Jake Shakeshaft on The Voice UK

"It's one of the hardest things I've had to prepare for, ever," he said. "When you've heard your song about 25,000 times you can't help but listen to everyone else's for the first time and think, 'Well, mine's just purely average'. Because literally you've listened to yours that much there's nothing special about it.

"It was just such a range of emotions. At one point you're thinking, 'Oh my God, this is amazing, I'm feeling incredible', and then the next minute you're thinking, 'I really want to make it to the next stage - I don't want to have to beat these people but I don't want to have to lose out to them either!' And of course, my competitiveness straight away, I'm just like, 'I'm sorry, I've got to beat you people...'"

The Voice UK continues with the knockouts next weekend on BBC One.

via All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News


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