Matt Bomer made an appearance on "LIVE With Kelly And Michael" today and shared a personal picture of his family from a previous Halloween -- and it is completely adorable.

"We get into it! You have to be serious in our neighborhood," Bomer tells the pair in the above clip, "because everybody gets into it -- you've got to keep up with the Jones. The kids, this year two of them are going to be Ninja Turtles and one is going to be a zombie football player."

matt bomer

During the interview, Bomer also discusses his role in HBO's forthcoming "The Normal Heart," his overarching goal to lose 32 pounds for the part, and his "sexual" relationship with the infamous cronut.

Check out the video below for a more extensive clip of the interview.

Bomer initially came out in early 2012 by thanking his partner and children while accepting an award for his work fighting HIV/AIDS -- a major thematic element in "The Normal Heart."

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