Wednesday 19 March 2014

Apple supplier 'gearing up for iPhone 6 production'

Apple supplier Pegatron Corporation is reportedly gearing up for the production of the iPhone 6, suggesting that work on the new smartphone is soon to commence.

The Commercial Times claims that the iOS hardware partner has opened a new plant on the outskirts of Shanghai, and gone on a hiring spree to facilitate the development of the handset.

iPhone 6 concept designs

An anonymous source informed the newspaper that the iPhone 6 will enter production in the second quarter of 2014, but did not shed any light on its release date.

Apple's iPhone 6 is expected to feature a larger screen than any of its predecessors, with several reports suggesting that multiple size options are likely to arrive on the market.

Rumours also suggest that the device will come with a Lytro-style camera on board, allowing users to manually refocus images after they have been captured.

Earlier this week, an industry analyst predicted that the iPhone 6 will come with a range of environmental sensors built in, supporting previous reports that the phone will have a health and fitness focus.

via All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News


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