Saturday 8 March 2014

Ke$ha's Out Of Rehab, But What Will She Do Next?

Ke$ha is ready for a reboot. The singer has just wrapped a two-month stint in a Chicago rehab facility for an eating disorder and she informed fans that she's already at work on

She changed her Twitter handle (to KeshaRose), seemingly dropped the dollar sign and seems like she's gearing up for Kesha 2.0.

We don't know yet what is next for her, but we have a few ideas about how she can get things back on track:

Go Country

She grew up in Nashville, her mom has penned country hits and, well, her smash collabo with Pitbull, "Timber," kind of had a techno boot-scoot vibe. Hell, it worked for Nelly and Kelly Clarkson.

Dump Dr. Luke

If you believe Kesh's mom, Pebe Sebert, one of the things that drove her daughter to rehab was the alleged fat-shaming of the singer's long-time musical guru, Dr. Luke. Yes, she's had a string of hits with the studio wizard, but if Ke$ha wants to really hit reboot she might consider cleaning house.

Patch Things Up With Dr. Luke

One of the tenets of rehab is typically making a list of those we've harmed and making amends with them. Luke vehemently denied the shaming allegations and if Ke$ha wants to patch things up, well, nothing says "I'm sorry" better than rediscovering your voice and cooking up more hits.

Go The Demi Lovato Route

After Demi Lovato's struggles landed her in rehab in 2010, the singer emerged as a voice of support and reason for her Lovatics, speaking out about finding inner strength and loving yourself. Ke$ha could send a similar message to her many young fans and become an advocate for empowerment.

Do A Lohan

We already saw plenty of Ke$ha's love life and career laid bare on her MTV series, "My Crazy Beautiful Life." But what's good for Lindsay Lohan might just be good for K-Dollar Sign, i.e. a confessional sit-down with Oprah on her OWN network in which the singer tracks her path back to the spotlight.

Go To The Movies, Or TV

With one of the most distinctive voices in music (or, like, life) Ke$ha would be an amazing voice for animation. She gave it a shot last year on "Robot Chicken," but we're thinking big, real big, like the "Lego Movie" sequel or some other blockbuster.

Or, if she followed Britney Spears' comeback path, she could try to get a few bookings on some popular sitcoms ("How I Met Your Mother") and earn back some cred by sharing her wackiness in prime time.

via MTV News


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