Tuesday, 27 January 2015

7 Outcomes That Happen When Girls Hook Up With Their Guy Friends

Girls, falling for a friend can seem like a great way to build a relationship. However, if you’re not careful, disaster is imminent.

Friends hooking up happens and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s important to know that familiarity plus sex does not always equal love. A range of outcomes can occur, some more difficult than others. Ask yourself if you’re really ready for them. And make sure to talk to your friend about it first. It will help you avoid the weirder of the following scenarios.

  1. Neither of you speak of it again

  2. You get paranoid about appearing clingy

  3. You possibly lose the chance to date someone else

  4. You continue to hook up, but very rarely

  5. You continue to hook up regularly without exclusivity

  6. You suddenly find yourself in a relationship

  7. You lose a friend

via News


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